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  • 23 Nov 2024
  • 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM
  • Sheraton Grand Mirage Resort, Port Douglas

Registration is closed

The 2024 AAAC AGM will be held in Port Douglas, QLD at the Sheraton Grand Mirage Resort on Saturday 23 November 2024. Members attending will receive two nights accommodation and breakfast each day.

The AGM will be held onsite between 9am and 5pm and a dinner for all members and their partners will be held on  Saturday night from 6:30pm.

Registrations are now open - all rooms at the Sheraton have been allocated and any additional members wishing to attend in person will be required to book elsewhere in Port Douglas. When registering, please include your partner and/or children as a guest if they will be attending the dinner on Saturday.

A social activity has been arranged for the Sunday following the AGM - a trip to the Low Isles by charter boat. Five places are still available for this activity, at members cost.

A separate email will be sent to members that have registered, to request specific information.

Association of Australasian
Acoustical Consultants

ABN 31 678 114 997